国际标准刊号:ISSN 1002-8536


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      文章作者:管秀发.张明亮 期刊页码:2022年第2期155页


        【摘要】学区房价格随着教育的发展已成为社会关注的焦点,近年来随着多地中小学生划片就近入学政策推行,教育资源分配不 均、教育焦虑心理等因素导致学区房“溢价”、“炒房”等问题逐渐显露,针对该问题教育部及各级政府、相关研究者提出多种 政策方案,但学区房问题始终未得到彻底解决。本文基于近年来学区房溢价过度的现状,分析学区房价格过大的原因,指出高价 格学区房对教育的影响,结合时下教育政策的出台,研究教育政策改革下对学区房价格的走向。 【关键词】学区房;教育政策;改革;走向 【Abstract】 With the development of education, housing prices in school districts have become the focus of social attention. In recent years, with the implementation of the nearby enrollment policy for elementary and middle school students in many places, the uneven distribution of educational resources, educational anxiety and other factors have led to the "premium" of school district housing. "Real estate speculation" and other issues have gradually emerged. The Ministry of Education, governments at all levels, and related researchers have proposed a variety of policy plans for this issue, but the school district housing problem has not been completely resolved. Based on the current situation of excessive housing premiums in school districts in recent years, this paper analyzes the reasons for the excessive housing prices in school districts, points out the impact of high-priced school district housing on education, and studies the trend of school district housing prices under education policy reforms, combined with the introduction of current education policies. 【Keywords】school district housing, education policy, reform, trend
